Mitt Liv

Berättat av Tykhon

Född 2011. Dibber International Helsingborg. MYP 1.

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my home

Tykhon 12years

We rent a house in Kattlösa. I live there with my mom, dad and two brothers. I also have a sister who also lives with us. We have a small house with two rooms. We also have a kitchen and a bathroom. We have a dining room. from the outside the house is white we also have another room that you can go in from the outside. So you need to go outside to get in that room. It is a big room with a couch and two armchairs. We were living in that house for 1.5 years. I am sleeping on a double bed. One is on the bottom and one is up. I sleep on the one that is up. I don’t have my own room. When I look outside I can see our really big garen it is around 12 times bigger than our house. I like to sit in the little room where we have all the boilers and water warmers. It is really warm there in winter. The rules of the house say that we can only play one hour and we can get sweets only on Sunday but we can get as much as we want. I threw out the trash.


22 maj 2024

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Dibber International Helsingborg



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