Mitt Liv

Berättat av Tykhon

Född 2011. Dibber International Helsingborg. MYP 1.

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Mitt liv

Tykhon 12years

I wake up and my mom says what weather it is so i can choose the clothing then i go and watch tik tok. It is an app where you can watch short videos and live. after breakfast done i eat and get ready for school and put my computer in the backpack then i take my snack to school i go to the car we have car with 7 seats two in front tree in back and 2 in luggage rack then we ride to the school it takes 5 to 10 minutes then we have school. We have s.o.,math,swedish,english,art,teknik,p.e.,science,woodworking,cooking class. After school we ride our car home or sometimes we ride a bus. Then we can play games or watch youtube. Youtube is an app where you can watch any type of content. We can do it 1 hour then we do what we want we have small house with two roms i have two brothers and one sister my younger brothers name is Naum he is 10 and my youngest brothers name is Yakim he is 7

My sister’s name is Svea. She is 1 year old. I have mom and dad, my moms name Vika and my dads name Serhey. I like to play with my brothers on the trampoline and I have a ps4. I play monster hunter world, hunter call of the wild and century age of ashes. My favorite food is sushi and yesterday we bought all the things that we needed to cook sushi so we will have sushi tomorow. When I am done with playing games then we have dinner. We have rice,fish and meat often. After dinner, my brothers and I go to brush our teeth and have a shower then we go to bed.


22 maj 2024

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Mitt liv – en dag i mitt liv


Dibber International Helsingborg



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