Mitt Liv

Berättat av Tindra

Född 2011. Dibber International Helsingborg. MYP 1.

📆 Vilken dag vill du berätta om?


✏️ Berätta om en dag i ditt liv

My day, I wake up at 7:15 and hear my brothers and sister making a lot of noise so I jumped out of bed. I make my bed by pulling up my colorful flower covers and placing my pillows nicely.

I picked an outfit from my dresser, today I’m wearing a bright colored summer skirt with a white t-shirt.

I went down the hall to the kitchen and ate hot porridge that had been cooked in a pot on the stove and some brought fruits from the little supermarket 5 minutes away from my house.

My house has two floors. The outside of my house is white with a black roof and inside has a lot of knocked down walls and wood with building tools everywhere.

I moved back to Sweden exactly 1 year ago from New Zealand. My dad is fully Swedish but my Mum is English.

I used to live in Sweden 9 years ago and now I’m 13.

I moved back for many reasons including ,seeing my family and getting to know the country I am from but one big part of it was from a virus that started in 2019 called COVID19.

It was a very big deal in New Zealand and caused a lot of commotion.

There were a lot of rules that were enforced like not being able to go to school for three months and being captive in your own house and not being allowed outside freely without being stopped by a police to put a mask on and etcetera.


After I had eaten, I rinsed my plates and cutlery in the sink and put them in the dishwasher.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair with my light pink colored hair brush and tied it back into a low ponytail

so the wind wouldn’t blow my hair into my face.

Lastly, I brushed my teeth with my electric toothbrush and my mint flavored toothpaste and then washed my face.


I leave for school on my beige and purple colored mountain bike.

The route to school is very easy ,it takes about 2 minutes on a bike and 3 if you walk.

I start school at 8:15 every morning except for Tuesdays when we start at 8:30.

The different lessons we have are, English ,Swedish ,SO ,Mathematics ,Woodwork ,Food tech ,Science ,Music ,Art ,P.E, Spanish and French depending on which other language you chose.

On Mondays I get home at 3:15 and eat some food. I usually make a sandwich with ham and cheese and cut up some fresh fruit.

Me and my best friend Maya hang out every day and go to the stables 3 to 4 times a week to look after a horse named saga until we get our own for fun.

At 6:00 I leave for football practice.I play in an all girls team in HIF. We have practice 3 times a week and games on the weekends.

I get home around 8:30 and heat up my home cooked dinner in the microwave.

I have 3 other siblings who are 4 (Vilhelm) 7 (Alma) and 11 (Vidar) years old.

My bed routine includes having a hot shower, brushing my teeth and washing my face and looking in the mirror.


By 9:45 I’m in my bed asleep.


22 maj 2024

Berättat av







Mitt liv – en dag i mitt liv


Dibber International Helsingborg



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