Mitt Liv

Berättat av Leo

Europaskolan. PYP 4B - 2024.

📆 Vilken dag vill du berätta om?


✏️ Berätta om en dag i ditt liv


Hello my name is Leo. I live in Sodermalm which is in sweden. Now

I am going to describe a typical 2024 day: I wake up in the morning by my alarm clock at 7:00 am . Depends on the day I choose my clothes. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I wear jeans and a nice top. On Thursday and Tuesday I wear something sporty. If it is a Friday or a Monday I eat pancakes. If it is a Tuesday, Thursday or a Friday I eat cereal. Sometimes if I am alone I go to school alone, if I go with my mom we go by train or by walking and if I go with my dad we go walking or by car. On a school day we have normal lessons. We start at 8:30 and end at 14:30. After school I do… tennis, swimming, coding, Swedish (for extra) and Spanish. At home I help out by : doing the dishes, doing laundry and by making coffee and tea for my mom and dad. After school I hang out with both my family and my friends. I use my ipad to play roblox and minecraft and on my pc i play poki and minecraft. Finally on my nintendo i play fortnight and fifa 2024. This is a typical day of 2024.



8 april 2024

Berättat av







Mitt liv – en dag i mitt liv




PYP 4B – 2024

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