Mitt liv is a nationwide, multi-year digital collection for primary school students, launched by Nordiska museet and UR in collaboration and aimed specifically at secondary school students. Similar to the Nordiska museet’s collection project Mitt hem from 1942, children can submit stories about their own lives as a greeting to the future.

Aim and purpose of the project
How do we tell young people that they are part of history and that history is part of them? The aim of the project is to increase the pupils’ awareness of history, to create the conditions for them to understand the importance of history for our times and to understand that they are part of history. But also to draw attention to social issues from the children’s perspective, such as their rights now and then.
The aim is for pupils to be able to use history and other people’s memories to find their own context and become aware of their own importance in the collective memory of history. To forget is to lose a part of one’s identity, so every memory has an important function.
How does it work?
Mitt liv consists of four different themes, all of which represent the students’ lives. In the first task, ”My day”, we ask students to tell us what they do on a normal day. In addition, there are three in-depth tasks where students can tell more – ”My home”, ”The people in my life” and ”My life in 2050”. Students are then given the opportunity to describe their lives – for the future.
What happens with the collected material?
The collected material will become part of the collections at Nordiska museet, where it will be available to researchers in the future.
Mitt liv has so far received more than 5,000 submissions from students in Sweden and Swedish-speaking students in other countries. All the entries will be preserved for the future in the collections of the Nordiska museet.
Finalist in the Pedagogical Award of the Year
In the competition for the Pedagogical Award of the Year 2021, Mitt liv was one of the finalists. Through the Pedagogical Award of the Year competition, FUISM, the Association for Pedagogical Development in Swedish Museums, highlights important and successful educational activities carried out in Swedish museums and cultural institutions each year.
The competition – Årets skaffare
Nordiska museet’s collection was started almost 150 years ago by Artur Hazelius and a number of volunteers who collected objects, memories and stories to save them from oblivion. Artur Hazelius called his helpers ”skaffare” (suppliers / collectors). Every year, Nordiska museet and UR nominate two school classes that have done the most to save their contemporaries for the future as Årets Skaffare (Acquirers of the Year).
Project contact
Project Manager: Jörgen Löwenfeldt.
Coordinator: John Högström
Curator in charge: Maria Maxén
Public producer: Wenke Rundberg
Press contact: Sofia Hiller
Production credits
This website was developed by Earth People.